The 200 Club is a fantastic opportunity to support the Parish as well as having the chance to win one of four cash prizes drawn each month.
It costs just £1 per number per month to join – only £12 per number per year ! You can have as many numbers as you wish, obviously having more chances to win the more numbers you have. The 200 Club year runs from May to April.
The money collected each month is divided as follows:
- 50% goes to Parish Funds
- 50% goes towards the Prize fund. 25% 1st Prize, 15% 2nd Prize and 5% for 3rd & 4th Prizes

The draw takes place in the Sacristy prior to the Saturday evening Mass on the last Saturday of each month.
Results are printed in the weekly newsletter, on the parish website and on the notice board in the Church porch. A list of all purchased numbers is also in the Church porch.
To join, forms are available on the table at the back of Church or can be downloaded via the link below.
Please return with payment to the Parish House.
Join Today
If you would like the opportunity to support the Parish and have the chance to win one of the cash prizes, please complete the form & get in touch. Good Luck !!
- 200 Club Form
- 200 Club – Info & Application Form
- Kathy Burton