The Small Christian Communities (SCC’s) were set up in September 2001, and was the initiative/vision of Fr David Long who was our Parish Priest at the time. He had been to America to study the restructuring of Parishes and renewing catholic life were a part of his studies, and SCC’s were a part of this too.
Prior to setting up the SCC’s, a group of parishioners ran two consecutive Alpha courses, which were well attended and proved successful in that it showed there was a real need in the parish for spiritual growth. The folk who attended the Alpha courses “needed more”. As a result Fr David approached six couples (three married and three more who were willing to work together) to see if they were willing to be trained as facilitators of SCC’s. After the training was complete, Fr David then shared with the Parish about the SCC’s, and encouraged parishioners to sign up to be a member of one.
The SCC’s are made up of ten/twelve members including two facilitators. The groups are of mixed age and gender. The SCC’s meet fortnightly in people’s homes to listen to, reflect on and discuss the Word of God, which is usually the readings for the coming weekend Mass, and to pray as well. The SCC’s differ from other groups as they are not a prayer group, they socialise as well. They share the ups and downs of life, support one another, encourage one another, laugh and have fun. Even though each SCC has facilitators, they are all equal, irrespective of age, ability, status, social standing. They are designed to offer a sense of belonging and genuine Christian love and support. It is important to add that no one is expected to ‘say’ something if they do not wish to, and also to be clear that confidentiality is important in what is shared. The success of the six SCC’s that after 10 years they are still going strong. Each SCC is different, in that, although they follow the format of reading and reflecting on the Word of God, they socialise in different ways. As each SCC has developed, so too has the way they love & care for one another. Some SCC’s have lost their original members, but new members have joined and as a result they continue to go on, which is a testimony to Fr David’s vision.
Here are a few comments from members of SCC’s:
“The SCC’s enables us to develop and deepen our faith in ways that are not possible alone, or at a Parish Mass”
“Being part of a SCC is just as important to us as Mass on Sunday”
“Belonging to our SCC is part of what it means to be a Parish and it is lovely to know that the experience of being in a SCC is being repeated by over 50 other people in 6 very different communities”
“It is all about a community based on friendship, trust, respect, and shared belief. This doesn’t mean we agree on everything – far from it – but through sharing we can all reflect on our views in a new light”
“The meetings always focus on readings from the Sunday Mass, and what it is saying to us in our 21st century lives”
“Our meetings are a mixture of lively conversations, quiet reflections, laughter and prayer. The important things is that each person can say as much or as little as they like, and there is never any pressure to speak”
“Membership of an SCC is a great source of support through difficult times in life. At times when we have doubts it is a great comfort to know that we are not alone”
Get In Touch
If you feel that you might like to see if SCC’s are something that you would like to be part of, you can contact one of the following facilitators:
- Martin & Fran
- 0161 427 6721
- Janet & Tonia
- 0161 221 9024
- Chris & Josie
- 0161 430 5343
- Margaret & Eileen
- 0161 406 0833
- David & Colleen
- 0161 494 5759
- Peter & Sue
- 0161 494 1024