The Ladies Guild is an integral part of the parish community and has been for many years.
President: Susan Latham, Secretary: Tonia Williams, Treasurer: Barbara Edwards.
There are 26 members at present We meet fortnightly on a Thursday evening at 7.30pm in the St Christopher Centre. We have a cup of tea or coffee with cake or biscuits. We provide friendship especially to anyone living alone. During the year we have a number of guest speakers on various topics, films, games, discussions, and demonstrations. We also have meals and trips out.
Some of the ladies are involved with the cleaning of the church and all the ladies play an important part in the Christmas Fair and the Lenten Soup Fridays.
The group has been part of the parish for many years and to preserve it for the future it is important that we encourage new members to join, in order that the good work the existing members have achieved over the years can continue. There is no age limit to become a member.
Anyone interested in finding out more please contact Mrs Tonia Williams (secretary) on 07768 921136. Thank you.